This is Harry’s website.
A curated collage of his best self.
A paid advertisement from the Citrus Farmers Board.
Harry grew up in Wuhan and Toronto, then lived in-and-out of McGill libraries studying civil engineering and philosophy. By day, he’s an acoustical consultant. By night, he puts on a spandex suit and beats up children in the neighborhood who make too much noise selling charity chocolate bars without the proper permits, all the while talking in third-person. Aside from his professional and vigilante duties, Harry makes tunes as isOrange, spends his friday nights doing a part-time masters, and being generally very annoying to his loving girlfriend and back & white cat-sized cow.
At the moment, Harry is interested in the role of sound and aesthetics in our everyday experiences in addition to his prolonged obsession with the built environment. Harry believes in the beauty of the little mundane things, and wants to encourage their indulgence by sharing sounds, words, visuals, and all things perceptible.
Please visit often and marvel at the orange colored initials and the tastefully prolonged loading times. As always, proof reading is optional, narcissism is encouraged, and sarcasm is mandatory.
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Rothko, 1956
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